Test poziomujący Super Teens

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1.There are many tall buildings ______ my city
2.Many people ______ in flats today
3.What did you do yesterday?
4.Three different species of monkeys live ______ this island.
5.______ many different colours. Which do you like best?
6.Are you sick? You ______ go to see a doctor.
7.The players on our team are ______ than the other team’s players
8.There ______ one teacher for every ten students in my school.
9. Some musicians______ a song outside my window
10.Anyone ______ learn to ride a bike
11.My aunt is a doctor. She really loves ______ job
12.Is that your guitar? No, it isn’t. It’s my ______ guitar. He loves playing it.
13.While bats are hunting at night, songbirds ______in nests
14.Wildlife ______ have a safe habitat to survive.
15. What did women wear in the 1800s?
16.In the 1920s, women ________ to wear shorter dresses
17.At the concert, the band performed a few _________.
18.My sister has the ______ idea for a new app.
19.My friend loves technology. She ______ have a career in technology someday.
20.Our ancestors ______ in this country for thousands of years.
21.There are two green chairs in my room. ______ light green one is my favourite place to sit and read
22.The chair isn’t ______ my bed, but it’s in a bright, sunny place.
23.A good night’s sleep protects your body. Many people don’t get ______ sleep
24.Tests always ______ nervous – even when I’ve studied.
25.Before smartphones, people ______ get messages on answering machines
26.What are you doing with those extra apples?
27.If you like nutritious meals, you _________ my dad’s cooking.
28.My neighbour wants to surround people with art. She thinks it should be _________
29. The wildfire ______ for over a week.
30. The day before the hurricane, residents of the area ______ for evacuation.
31. Gabe has a really outgoing personality, ______?
32. Marie refuses to go into the cave. She ______ that there are bats inside.
33. I don’t want ______ these old clothes. Is there a way we can re-use them?
34. The club I ______ has two leaders. a. belong on b. belong to c. belong at
35. I have ______ clothes. I need to give some away. a. too many b. too much c. enough
36. A lot of styles ______ by past trends.
37. The new satellite works ______ the old one.
38. By the time Isabel first went on an aeroplane, she ______ college.
39. If I had known about the space shuttle launch, I ______.
40. ‘I drew dog portraits for my art project because dogs are my favourite subjects.’ She _______.
41. My mum told me to stop _________ so much TV and go outside.
42. I _________ the light festival every year.
43. If I had remembered to bring food from home, I _________ money on a sandwich now.
44. She _________ all 50 states by the end of the year.
45. The _______ the flight, the more fuel is needed.
46. To capture a good photo of the sunrise, your camera _________at just the right angle.
47. My goal is to travel to _________ Peru to explore _________Andes. I’ve never been to _________ South America before!
48. Lee: Is there any homework tonight? Lee _________.
49. Lara is a very skilled surfer. _________ is a very skilled surfer is Lara.
50.What word can be removed from this sentence without changing its meaning? The fossils that they found in the desert are over 60 million years old!